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Boost Mobile Back to School National Sweepstakes

Official Rules


1. Agreement

Please read these official rules (the “Official Rules”) carefully. They contain important information about your rights and obligations, as well as limitations and exclusions that may apply to you if you enter the Boost Mobile Back to School National Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) sponsored by Gold N Fish Marketing Group LLC (the “Sponsor”) with contributions from Boost Mobile (“Boost Mobile”).

By participating in the Sweepstakes, you signify your agreement to these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, RAVEN5 Ltd. (the “Administrator”) and Boost Mobile. If you do not agree to the Official Rules, you may not enter the Sweepstakes.

2.  Sweepstakes Period

The Sweepstakes begins at 12:00:01 AM Mountain Time (“MT”) on July 25, 2024, and ends at 11:59:59 PM MT on September 4, 2024 (the “Sweepstakes Period”). Administrator’s database clock will be the official timekeeper for this Sweepstakes.

3. Eligibility

The Sweepstakes is open only to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States of America and the District of Columbia (“DC”) who are at least eighteen (18) years of age (or the age of majority in their state) at the time of entry (“Participant,”“entrant” or “you”).

Employees, officers, directors, agents, or representatives of Sponsor, Administrator, Boost Mobile, their respective parent companies and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers of prizes, advertising and promotion agencies involved in the administration, development, fulfillment, and execution of this Sweepstakes (collectively, the “Sweepstakes Parties”), and the immediate family (spouse, parents, siblings and children) of, and/or those living in the same household of each, are not eligible to enter.

The Sweepstakes is subject to all applicable federal, state, territorial, municipal and local laws and regulations. If it is found that a person who does not meet the eligibility criteria set forth in these rules has submitted an entry, that entry may be deemed ineligible. Sweepstakes Parties reserve the right to verify eligibility requirements. Void outside the fifty (50) United States of America, DC and wherever else prohibited by law.

4. How to Enter

To enter the Sweepstakes, visit (the “Sweepstakes Website”) or visit a participating Boost Mobile store in the fifty (50) United States of America or DC and scan a designated Sweepstakes QR code located in-store.

Once you have arrived at the Sweepstakes Website, follow the instructions to complete the online entry form. You will be required to provide your first and last name, email address, state and ZIP code of residence, and select your favourite Boost Mobile location using the dropdown. Optionally, provide your Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and/or YouTube handle if you wish to earn Social Media Bonus Entries (as further described below).

In addition to providing the above information, you must check the box to signify that you have read and agree to abide by these Official Rules and the Boost Mobile Privacy Policy. You will earn one (1) entry into the Sweepstakes for successfully submitting the online entry form.

Bonus Entries: After submitting the online entry form, participants will be presented with the opportunity to earn bonus entries into the Sweepstakes. There are two (2) ways to earn bonus entries into the Sweepstakes, which are additional entries into each of the prize drawings:

  1. Social Bonus Entries: Follow, like or subscribe to Boost Mobile’s Facebook profile, X (formerly Twitter) profile, Instagram profile and/or YouTube profile directly from the Sweepstakes Website to earn up to four (4) bonus entries into the Sweepstakes (each, a “Social Bonus Entry”).
    1. Like Boost Mobile on Facebook to earn one (1) bonus entry;
    1. Follow Boost Mobile on X (formerly Twitter) to earn one (1) bonus entry;
    1. Follow Boost Mobile on Instagram to earn one (1) bonus entry; and
    1. Subscribe to Boost Mobile on YouTube to earn one (1) bonus entry.

Limit of one (1) Social Bonus Entry for following, liking or subscribing to Boost Mobile on each social media network (Facebook, X, Instagram and YouTube). Total limit of four (4) Social Bonus Entries into the Sweepstakes.

  • Share Bonus Entries: Share the Sweepstakes using a valid Facebook account, X (formerly Twitter) account and/or by email directly from the Sweepstakes Website to earn up to three (3) bonus entries into the Sweepstakes (each a “Share Bonus Entry”).
    • Share the Sweepstakes using a valid Facebook account to earn one (1) bonus entry;
    • Share the Sweepstakes using a valid X (formerly Twitter) account to earn one (1) bonus entry; and
    • Share the Sweepstakes by email to earn one (1) bonus entry.

Limit of one (1) Share Bonus Entry for sharing the Sweepstakes to each social media network (Facebook, X, and YouTube). Total limit of three (3) Share Bonus Entries into the Sweepstakes.

By entering the Sweepstakes, you signify your agreement to these Official Rules and the Boost Mobile’s Privacy Policy. Sweepstakes Parties are not responsible for lost, late, stolen, incomplete, inaccurate, invalid, un-intelligible, garbled, delayed or misdirected entries, all of which will be void. Entries which are incomplete, illegible, or fraudulent are null and void. All Social Bonus Entries or Share Bonus Entries must be made directly from the Sweepstakes website to be considered valid.

5. Prizes/Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”)/Odds

Sixty-three (63) prizes are available to be won in the Sweepstakes, as outlined in the Prize Description Schedule:

Prize Description Schedule
PrizesQuantity AvailableApproximate Retail Value (“ARV”) per Prize
CU Football Game Meet and Greet with Coach Prime Package. Includes: (a) airfare for two (2) (winner and a guest) to Denver, Colorado, (b) hotel accommodations for two (2) nights (as determined by the Sponsor and Boost Mobile at their discretion) in a standard room based on double occupancy, (c) round-trip ground transfers from the airport to the hotel to the University of Colorado Boulder Buffaloes game, (d) two (2) tickets to a University of Colorado Boulder Buffaloes game, and (e) a meet and greet with Coach Prime.2$5,000.00
$2,500 Back to School Shopping Spree (awarded as a $2,500 Gift Card)1$2,500.00
Back to School Tech Package. Includes: (a) a Motorola Edge device, (b) a Lenovo Chromebook, and (c) one (1) year free Boost Mobile $60 Service Plan.10$1,818.00
$200 Gift Card.50$200.00

The ARV of all prizes available to be won is $40,680.00 USD.

Odds of winning a prize will depend on the total number of eligible entries received.

Prize Conditions:

All expenses related to the acceptance or use of a prize are the sole responsibility of each winner. Winners are responsible any and all local, state and/or federal taxes and any other costs and expenses not specified herein.

Potential winners that are selected for a prize valued at $600.00 USD or more will be required to complete, sign and return an IRS W-9 form as a condition of acceptance of the prize and will receive an IRS 1099-Misc tax form for the value of the prize. Information from the W-9 form will only be used to fulfill tax obligations in connection with this Sweepstakes and for no other purpose.

For the CU Football Game Meet and Greet with Coach Prime Package prizes: Winners may select the alternative cash option of $2,500.00 USD in lieu of the CU Football Game Meet and Greet with Coach Prime Package. If accepting the CU Football Game Meet and Greet with Coach Prime Package, Sponsor and Boost Mobile will coordinate travel, hotel accommodations, tickets to a University of Colorado Boulder Buffaloes game and the meet and greet with Coach Prime for winners and their guests following verification of the prize winners. Each guest must have reached eighteen (18) years of age or older prior to signing the requisite Liability and Publicity Releases in order to accompany the winners to Denver, Colorado. Each winner and his/her guest must travel on the same itinerary. There are no deviations to travel allowed except as approved by Sponsor and Boost Mobile at their discretion. If a winner’s residence is in close enough proximity to the destination city, ground travel may be provided in lieu of air travel, all in the Sponsor and Boost Mobile’s discretion. Actual value may vary based on airfare fluctuations and distance between departure airport and Denver, Colorado destination. Winners are responsible for all costs and expenses not specifically listed above as part of the prize, including, without limitation, surcharges, service charges, meals, food, beverages, insurance, medical/health expenses, gratuities, excess baggage fees, communication charges, and all other personal expenses and incidentals. Winners and their guests must abide by all airline, hotel, and venue policies. Sponsor reserves the right to revoke full or partial prizes from any winner or guest who it deems, in its sole discretion, may be intoxicated, be a safety risk, have violated any policy or law, or may bring the Sponsor or Boost Mobile into disrepute.

No substitution of a prize will be allowed, except Sponsor and Boost Mobile reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to substitute prize(s) of comparable value if any listed prize is unavailable, in whole or in part, for any reason. Prizes are non-transferable and are void if sold or exchanged for compensation.

All details and other restrictions of prizes not specified in these Official Rules will be determined by Sponsor and Boost Mobile at their discretion. Actual value of a prize may be lower or higher at the time of its fulfillment, and any difference between actual value and the stated ARV (if actual value is lower than stated ARV) will not be awarded. The ARV of each prize represents Sponsor’s good faith determination, is final and binding and cannot be challenged or appealed. Sweepstakes Parties are not responsible if any element of the prize is delayed, postponed or cancelled for any reason. Prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable, and no substitution or cash redemption will be made except as provided herein. Sponsor and Boost Mobile reserve the right, for whatever reason, to substitute a prize (or any component thereof) for one of equal or greater value. Winners must be able to accept the prizes as presented or the prize may be forfeited in its entirety and an alternate potential winner may be selected in Administrator’s sole discretion.

6. Winner Selection & Notification

Administrator will select all potential winners in random drawings conducted at Administrator’s offices. Administrator’s decisions are final. On or about August 2, 2024, August 9, 2024, August 16, 2024, August 23, 2024, and August 30, 2024, Administrator will select, in random drawings, five (5) potential winners for a $200 Gift Card prize. The random drawings for the remaining twenty-five (25) $200 Gift Card prizes will take place on or about September 9, 2024.The random drawings for all other prizes offered in this Sweepstakes will take place on or about September 9, 2024.

Administrator will make a minimum of two (2) attempts to contact each potential winner within forty-eight (48) hours of the drawing. If any potential winner cannot be contacted within seventy-two (72) hours of initial notification, after two attempts, including if there is a return of any notification as undeliverable; then they may, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Administrator, be disqualified (and, if disqualified, will forfeit any and all rights to the applicable prize) and the Administrator reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion to randomly select an alternate eligible entrant for the applicable prize in a separate random drawing from the remaining eligible entries submitted and received in accordance with these Official Rules.

Potential winners will become confirmed winners (each a “Winner”) after meeting the requirements that follow. Failure to do so will result in disqualification and an alternate winner may be selected by the means set forth above.

  1. Potential winners will be required to sign and return, within seventy-two (72) hours of notification, an Affidavit of Eligibility, a Liability Waiver, a Publicity Release (where allowable) (collectively, the “Releases“) as a condition of acceptance of a prize.
  2. In addition, potential winners of a prize valued at $600.00 USD or more will be required to complete, sign and return, within seventy-two (72) hours of notification, an IRS W-9 form.

No one is a Winner unless and until the Administrator officially confirms him/her as a Winner in accordance with these Official Rules.

Prize Delivery: Prizes will be awarded within approximately sixty (60) days after the Winners have been verified.

8. Publicity

Except where prohibited by law, entry into the Sweepstakes and acceptance of a prize constitutes permission to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, and use, worldwide in any media now known or hereafter in perpetuity and throughout the World, each Winner’s name, city/town, state, voice, likeness, and prize won, as news, publicity or information and for advertising, public relations and promotional purposes without limitation and additional compensation, notification or permission. Winners agree to execute any and all documents requested by the Sweepstakes Parties to convey such rights to own all the results thereof. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to obligate Sponsor or Boost Mobile to make use of any of the rights granted herein and Winner waives any right to inspect or approve any such use of any and every nature and kind.

Sponsor and Boost Mobile reserve the right to use any and all information related to the Sweepstakes for promotional, marketing and any other purpose, including online announcements unless prohibited by law.

9. Limitation of Liability

By participating in the Sweepstakes and as a condition of acceptance of a prize, each entrant, his/her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, releases, waives, discharges, and holds harmless the Sponsor, Administrator, Boost Mobile, their respective parent companies, and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers of prizes, advertising and promotion agencies involved in the administration, development, fulfillment and execution of this Sweepstakes, (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from, and against any and all loses, damages, rights, claims, actions, causes of action, personal injury, property damage or death (including without limitation any and all costs and liabilities of any kind including but not limited to lawyer’s fees), and including, without limitation, any such arising from any act of negligence of the Released Parties, that the entrant now has, or may hereafter have against the Released Parties directly or indirectly resulting from participation of the Sweepstakes or the awarding, acceptance, use, or misuse of a prize. Winners assume all liability for any injury or damage caused or claimed to be caused by participation in this Sweepstakes or use/misuse or redemption of any prize.

FOR RESIDENTS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA: You acknowledge and agree that your release and waiver extends to the following, the protections of which you explicitly waive:

California Civil Code Section 1542: A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his or her favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him or her must have materially affected his or her settlement with the debtor.

10. General

The Sponsor and Boost Mobile are not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of the offer, administration of the Sweepstakes or in the announcement of the prize.

The Released Parties are not responsible for: (i) lost, late, misdirected or damaged entries; or (ii) error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for technical, network, telephone equipment, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions of any kind, or inaccurate transmission of or failure to receive entry information by the Sweepstakes Parties on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any website or any combination thereof; or (iii) any injury or damage to Participant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participating in the Sweepstakes.

This Sweepstakes is in no way sponsored, administered or endorsed by, or associated with Facebook, X, Instagram, or YouTube. You understand that you are providing your information to Sponsor and Boost Mobile and not to Facebook, X, Instagram, or YouTube. By participating in this Sweepstakes, you agree to release Facebook, X, Instagram, and YouTube from any and all liability relating to the Sweepstakes.

By participating in the Sweepstakes, you (i) agree to be bound by these Official Rules, including all eligibility requirements, and (ii) agree to be bound by the decisions of Sponsor, Administrator, and Boost Mobile, which are final and binding in all matters relating to the Sweepstakes.

Failure to comply with these Official Rules will result in disqualification from the Sweepstakes. Sponsor and Boost Mobile reserve the right to permanently disqualify from any Sweepstakes they operate any person it believes has intentionally violated these Official Rules. If for any reason this Sweepstakes is not capable of running as planned due to any causes beyond the control of the Sweepstakes Parties which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Sweepstakes, the Sponsor and Boost Mobile reserve the right to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Sweepstakes, at which time, Administrator will conduct random drawings from among all eligible entries received at the time of the Sweepstakes termination.

11. Disputes

Except where prohibited, Participants agree that any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of, or connected with, the Sweepstakes or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the appropriate court located in Douglas County, Colorado, U.S.A., and all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, entrant’s rights and obligations, or the rights and obligations of the Sweepstakes Parties in connection with the Sweepstakes, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Colorado, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules (whether of the State of Colorado or any other jurisdiction), which would cause the application of the laws of any jurisdiction. The remedy for any claim shall be limited to actual damages, and in no event shall any party be entitled to recover punitive, exemplary, consequential, or incidental damages, including attorney’s fees or other such related costs of bringing a claim, or to rescind this agreement or seek injunctive or any other equitable relief.


12. Privacy

Personal information collected from Participants is subject to Boost Mobile’s Privacy Policy, available at:

Any personal information that you provide may be used in connection with the Sweepstakes as necessary to administer, manage and operate the Sweepstakes (including releasing a list of winners, as discussed below) as well as for marketing communications if you have opted in to receive such correspondence. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link provided in such correspondence or by visiting and requesting to be added to Boost Mobile’s Do Not Contact List.

Personal information collected will be stored on servers located in the United States and may be accessible to U.S. law enforcement, courts and other governmental institutions pursuant to the laws of the United States. 

13. Winners List Requests

For a written confirmation of the Winners (available after September 20, 2024), send an email to with subject line: Boost Mobile Back to School National Sweepstakes Winners List RequestAll requests must be received by December 19, 2024 at 4:59:59 PM MT. Requests received after this time will not be fulfilled.

14. Sponsor

Gold N Fish Marketing Group LLC, 20 Bedford Rd, Armonk, NY 10504, USA.

With contributions from Boost Mobile, a division of DISH Wireless L.L.C., 9601 S. Meridian Blvd., Englewood, CO 80112, USA.

15. Administrator

RAVEN5 Ltd., 11 Orsett St, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2N8, Canada.

Void outside the fifty (50) United States of America, DC, and where prohibited by law. All trademarks, product names, logos, and brands used herein are property of their respective owners. Any questions, comments or complaints must be directed to the Administrator by email to